Whether you are building your dream home or purchasing an older home that has been listed on the market, indoor air quality should be a major priority during your search. Learn about how you can make sure your future home’s air is safe and healthy by addressing these concerns BEFORE you buy.
Indoor Air Quality
Five Air Purifying Plants
Combat Indoor Air Pollution with These 5 Hardy Air Purifying Plants- What benefits can this provide for you and your family?
Not everyone was born with a green thumb and a knack for taking care of houseplants. Thankfully, there are several popular plants that require very little maintenance to thrive indoors. One of the easiest and most natural ways that you can combat indoor air pollution is by purchasing several of these low maintenance houseplants and placing them in various rooms throughout your home.
Air Fresheners and Your Home Air Quality – Test During COVID-19
Air Fresheners and Your Home Air Quality - Test During COVID-19 - A good reason many should have an Indoor Air Quality Test done if they are under a Stay-At-Home Order: Many already have poor indoor air quality that builds over time. Additionally, many are now using a...
Video Series: What Would The Inspector Do? Air Conditioning Problems
The ultimate question many feel to ask their home inspector is WOULD YOU BUY THIS HOME? What is the REAL ultimate question? As explained in the video, the question home inspectors wish they were asked is, “How would YOU go about resolving these issues noted in the report?” Some home inspectors with experience will even answer the question, “what kind of costs might we be talking about?” Read about the best air conditioning system in the market right now.
Your Indoor Air Quality and Coronavirus Concerns
This information is to provide you, your company, or clients and customers with proactive measures that can be taken to lower ones risk of infection and continue your business activities amidst concerns over the virus COVID-19. | Your Indoor Air Quality and...
Indoor Air Quality Testing – When and What Type to have Performed?
Whether buying a new home or in your existing home, the indoor air quality can have an impact on your family's health.Why You Should Test Your Air With IAQ Home Survey The only composite home air quality assessment monitors for 500+ airborne chemicals and hidden mold...
Mold Related to No Attic Insulation
Mold Related to No Attic Insulation - I received a call from a home owner who's client was complaining about mold issues inside the home. Two mold tests were performed, but there was no information as to what was causing the mold growth. I was requested to do a site...