Technical Articles on Home Inspections
This website provides free reference articles intended to provide information related to home inspections and building related topics particularly applicable in South Florida communities; however most of the material is intended to be helpful throughout North America. The series of articles focuses on topics and issues providing referenced information answering common questions we receive while performing our home inspection services. Many times home inspectors see something that looks wrong but need to pinpoint industry standards that apply. This site provides answers to these types of questions.
Safe Home Air During Renovation
From minor updates such as replacing the vanity in your bathroom to major renovations such as an entire kitchen remodel, it is often important to make sure your home air quality isn’t compromised during these projects. I have had multiple clients who have experienced...
The Dangers of Radon!
Where I am located in South Florida, radon or testing for it is almost unheard of. However, due to the dangers of radon, and the occasional testing we do, I think it is good to provide some helpful information to explain what radon is, why it is less of a risk in some...
Moldy and Musty Smells
All homes have their own unique odors and smell that reflect the nature of the home and the lives of those living in it. Sometimes, environmental factors also play a large role in the odor each house exhibits. One such factor is the weather. During heavy rain and...
Why Painting Goes Beyond Just Colors?
Many are unaware of WHY painting of the exterior of the home needs to be done by a professional who is licensed and insured; and when we say licensed, we mean as a painting and WATERPROOFING contractor.
Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Did You Know Indoor Air can be up to 2-5 Times More Polluted Than The Air Outdoors? This is why it is important to take action now! Here are four ways to improve your indoor air quality at home. Step #1 Let Fresh Air In Fresh air and adequate air circulation will...
Are Humidifiers Safe To Use?
As the winter months’ pass in cold areas throughout the United States, many people turn to a portable humidifier to combat seasonal household dryness and to increase the overall humidity level inside of their home. The real question that many fail to ask themselves is...
The Dangers of Clutter!
The clutter also provides areas where contaminants can settle and go unseen. I cannot tell you how much I personally have tested high mold compounds in an indoor air quality test that were due to stacks of papers, books, and other long-time stored belongings.
Toxic Formaldehyde and Flooring
30 of 31 boxes of the Chinese-made laminate flooring sold by Lumber Liquidators and bought in the U.S. emitted as much as 13 times the amount of formaldehyde deemed as permissible
Homebuyers’ Concerns!
Whether you are building your dream home or purchasing an older home that has been listed on the market, indoor air quality should be a major priority during your search. Learn about how you can make sure your future home’s air is safe and healthy by addressing these concerns BEFORE you buy.
Five Air Purifying Plants
Combat Indoor Air Pollution with These 5 Hardy Air Purifying Plants- What benefits can this provide for you and your family?
Not everyone was born with a green thumb and a knack for taking care of houseplants. Thankfully, there are several popular plants that require very little maintenance to thrive indoors. One of the easiest and most natural ways that you can combat indoor air pollution is by purchasing several of these low maintenance houseplants and placing them in various rooms throughout your home.
All due care is taken to provide true and accurate information on this website. However always call and check with a local building department professional before acting on anything you read on this site as changes are always happening with Codes, Standards and Regulations and requirements can vary greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This information is for general knowledge and reference but is not a code enforcement or building science authority. Some information on this site is based on our opinions and experience developed from our home inspection services and past construction experience as well as our affiliations with The American Society of Home Inspectors and the International Code Council. These opinions are not authoritative but may be helpful in understanding industry standards and finding relevant answers.